Playful tale for “Children”
Whirlwind in a relationship
Analogies with the CCS Turbine
The theme of the love in a couple has been studied by many people and I want to contribute to this subject in a more technical way…my glass decoration used to say that my artistic works always have a technical foundation…and I wouldn’t know how to do differently because that’s my background…
For a while now I’ve had this idea that a couple’s amorous behavior is similar to the one of my turbine…the meeting with Simona has been a definitive and partially shared turning point…she’s a smart woman who’s not afraid to ideas and skills…she helped me to better understand the relation between our rational mind and our spirit, nature, our soul…and what happens when these two elements conflict with one another… “…
there’s a carriage…the mind is the coachman and the soul is what’s inside the vehicle…the horses are the emotions…the carriage goes where the coachman (mind) decides…but the mind lies…it doesn’t always listen to the soul…it doesn’t seek happiness…but it’s programmed to satisfy its basic needs…and it doesn’t know how to codify the soul happiness…so the coachman always chooses what has already been lived, already been done because it knows how to deal with it…even when in pain …just “breathe and live”…this is why one makes the same mistakes …because we don’t switch our mind off and we don’t listen to our soul…”what a beautiful depiction…
In a relationship the mind chooses preset concepts and it lies in order to satisfy its needs…and it changes great loves in great illusions…because the voice of the soul is ignored…but in time the soul gets its revenge…discomforts, small pains…other heavier diseases until a shocking emotional explosion destroys and nullifies our biological engine…
How many useless loves followed and pursued and how many times the same mistakes…because the mind is sly and it wants to be dominant…the soul and the search of the spiritual soul…it’s like travelling with the GPS off, feeling all the affinity with the partner and vibrate in the same way and for the same goals. The research is listening to each other and listening is like having itinerant workplace: you get in the car in the morning and you look for it…with you “horses” and your “carriage”…every morning without technological help…so is your search for the right partner.
When I was little I always heard the grown-ups say “…look at him, he keeps ringing around her…” and this is the analogy with my turbine…one identifies the partner and starts ringing around, as the engine; the other is like the alternator…one’s movement fuels and supports the other. The other one supports the movement and drags both to happiness…to an spiritual affinity…happiness survives if one drives and supports the other…sometimes one is the engine and the other is the alternator and sometimes the roles are switched…the secret is fuel each other and produce together more than a single does…
The electron flow or compressed air is the fuel in a mechanical turbine…in the turbine of a couple c is a mutual spiritual dependency where the two fuel one another with understanding, affection, patience, tolerance, love and all this is multiplied…and as a result what depends on us improve and vibrate with our frequency.
This movement disappears if one stops doing what one is supposed to do or if one finds other interests.
During the search it’s good to switch the mind off and listen to what we have inside…understand that sometimes our coachman and our GPS have to be off, taking a wrong turn is what takes us to never explored roads, where unexplored resources and skills arise…even though the alternative to the absence of the coachman is not the total drifting but the auto determination and the prevail of our soul…
This is one of the many tales I’d have liked to tell my children…but I have none…my coachman has been unscrupulous and inhuman…he has always followed his purely rational mind…doing solely the right thing…if something didn’t have a social benefit I didn’t have to do it…it killed the soul again and again but this always came back to life…stronger and combative…but the coachman is tough and the soul is weak…we confide in the future…what’s left of it…
A thank you to Simona for sharing this thought (even though she doesn’t completely agree)…
Bye bye
Alessandro Leghi
14 febbraio 2015