Playful tales for “children”
Terrestrial time is coming to an end…
Another year has passed and another one is about to begin… we’re progressively burned-out day after day and my terrestrial time is running out.
I wish I could see what I created in my mind and that kept me up many nights… The mechanic perpetual motion envelops us since always… how is it possible that everyone withholds the truth?… how come criminals keep paying despicable people who reiterate its impossibility with videos and articles when we are part of it… we are tiny part of a perpetual system… everything will stop only if “engines” or “alternators” shut down.
After the mechanic perpetual motion and shift distortion, it’s now time to focus on time distortion… to live on Earth as terrestrial beings but detaching ourselveses from its “time” that doesn’t exist by itself… space, time and energy are all one thing but in a plastic and deformable way.
It would be nice to witness this change and say… we’re here… being able to see thousands of revolutions of the Earth in during a single biological life… How much time to look beyond our solar system and build a new humanity, intervening with tools and technologies that are yet to be discovered… and we will be there… this hunger drives me…
After 20 years only 6 people understand the CCS turbine… too few… but I also think of those who secretly browsed and don’t do anything… they judge and act following dramatic personal reasonings, behaving badly knowing the disastrous consequences of their choices. They often become actors and they convincingly say what they don’t think and they even try to convince you… thought actors.
The few people who put something of their own ought to be thanked because they helped me trusting me even without a technical base… Thank to them I kept going and I found my truths… A hug…
I could have done more, I could have done better… I could have lost everything and been already dead… I didn’t make it… but the only sure thing is that I couldn’t have done much by myself… no one ever lift a finger or spared a thought to cheer my heart and soul up… just a bunch of insolent nonsense and rampant ignorance that nearly brought me to a psychophysical annihilation… those who could make a difference turned the other way doing lots of harm… for greed… for power… I’ll keep this suffering knowing these people should be handed over to those whose life was ruined and that were forced to go through unspeakable pain or died too soon… the only certain thing is that everyone will have to answer for their actions on their last breath and it won’t end there for many of them… in that case I’ll be there…
This year is the “discovery” 20th anniversary together with many other anniversaries… you take stock and you look back… to what was accomplished so far… for those who’ll come after… with many ifs….
We’ll celebrate regardless…
Open doors as usual… see you soon
January 1st, 2023 Alessandro Leghi