Playful tales for “children”
Effects of distorted time in the atom and in its particles
Almost 20 years ago I was into the analogy between CCS turbine and atoms; today’s Sunday and I feel like I need to work for the world; that world that pretends not to listen but it actually eats itself away on the inside… on its own; it’s time to update that beautiful fairy tale…
Try imagine atoms, electrons, central nucleus and the particles that make them up… we insert the fifth dimension in all this, which means the possibility that every or some particle move in a distorted temporal context that must be analyzed as one with the space and the energy of each particle… all this in a perfect equi-distant equilibrium… that allows the matter to keep its state, its weight, its temperature and its chemical, physical and biological characteristics.
Supplying or removing energy, heat, cold, pressure the status of the matter changes but this status can change afftecting the 5th dimension of these particles; moving/processing the matter or a set of matters in a different space/time/energy context can lead to never-seen-before reactions and create new matters and statuses of matter with never-seen-before characteristics… I’m sure of this… and I’ve already extensively talked about it a long time ago…
But back to us, inside the atom and its particles… the particles of the distorted temporal context; they move with a subjective velocity different than the one we measure and see; I’d say a lot faster than the speed of light even if they move relatively slowly… so to speak…
This distorted temporal context of the particle modifies the system energetic context and consequently its energetic effects on the entire atom… particles with the same energetic charge can seemingly chase each other and push each other perpetually keeping an equi-distance because the ones with distorted, slowed-down time express a multiplied power compared to the ones that it equi-distantly drags because thet move in a subjective slowed-down temporal context… here’s how the atoms are “alive” and “keep” their status until an event that can change their energetic/space/temporal status happens… every atom benefits of the breath of life…
If we could intervene on the 5th dimension of these particles we would obtain unknown effects of which we don’t have any recollection… it’s natural to worry because we know well what criminals have been trying to do… perhaps they haven’t understood yet that being on top on Earth for a piece of land, drawing borders or influencing entire continents with money won’t have any efficacy… for those who will be there, as my teacher used to say, the difference will be employed by supertechnology… the one that finds universal solutions and allows humanity to lead itself to its own survival.
Come on… we’ll always be there…
Alessandro Leghi
March 14th, 2023