Playful tale for “Children”

Atoms and Electrons

Analogies with the CCS Turbine

There are many analogies between the CCS turbine and the atom and its agitated nature. This analogy is simple: the engines are the electrons; the nucleus is the power supplier (alternator) set directly on the central shaft of the turbine. While rototraslating the electrons practically push “energy” onto the nucleus; the Energy that it receives is multiplied and so the nucleus supports the two movements of the electrons (around itself and around the nucleus).

The nucleus needs the “energy” in excess to keep the temperature, its structure, its balance, its defences and in some case to multiply itself…

The electron is not just a mass with an electrical charge; it turns around itself because of a couple and for what I know a couple and an angular displacement is a power… a power that creates a significant amount of kinetic energy because of the velocity of the electrons. Energetically speaking the atom is more than what we think…

The atom is composed by particles and antiparticles, some known some not, some effects are known some not; I think some particles operate as “engines”, others as “power suppliers” and others supply support…we have to keep in mind the atom can auto-produce energy…energy that allows it to keep its balance…

If in the electrical version of the CCS turbine there are electric engines, alternators and the electrons provide the push and the electrical energy… what is the energetic flow sent, produced and exchanged in the atom?

Unlike the tale about the universe I don’t know what to think…never seen an atom in my life…let’s say that the electrical charges and the magnetic fields have their purpose…there’s probably something else…

Let’s say the temperature is external and it can influence the velocity of the electron and modify the matter of the atom…but I think that this is just a physical effect and that it doesn’t explain how the electron pushes the energy onto the nucleus and how this supports the electron rotation…What about the energy in excess? Does it regulate only the temperature, the balance and the structure?

Pardon my ignorance but if I had continued my studies maybe I’d have surer answers…

Alessandro Leghi