Playful tales for “children”
You don’t have the abilities to understand these calculus
… You don’t have the abilities to understand these calculus…
This is what someone said… to me… referring to simple diagrams of structural moments and cuts… while they represented the absolute decision-making knowledge… always above everything and everyone… personified nothing… they were allowed and had the shared approval…
They represent that “humanity” and modus operandi that kept the knowledge that could save us or could have saved us stuffed in a chest from which nothing got out for a long time… using shrewdness, repression, terror and denigration against those who whispered in front of a mirror thoughts defined by them eccentric and without connection, apparently without logic and coherence…
They had their fun when I used to miss the last bus going home in the evening because of them… at this point I used to come back home very late… are you already going…only half an hour? Now the work begins… but let’s skip the details… the wheel turns… I trust the elders’ knowledge… I, too, will have my last breath… and it won’t be over…
35 years ago… with a neuronic freshness of a young man from the countryside with a doer attitude, I already whispered in hallways, few times, that we could get energy for everyone from the sun and water… Oh my god… the big eye put me to bed for 10 years… bed that became my thinking place… during the week shifts 12-1-11… every weekend 24 hour full immersion… thanks idiots…
I had time to think, think and rethink… analyze hundreds of variables per minute and not even computers could match me… imagining having you in front of me… on the same level… I’m now older but the few remaining neurons, even if they struggle to connect to each other, they still have some live links…
At least I don’t see you smile anymore, in exchange I see you attacking lot of young people and taking advantage of them… idiots are easily replaced… they’re cheap… sometimes they are happy to have an empty role… well-written in English so that nobody knows what it means… and it amazes them as well… they struggle so much explaining what they do that it all ends with a joke… “I goti t… you don’t do anything”… except playing a small role so useless that the extra playing the tree on stage is worth 10 times more…
When I whispered the possibility of having sustainable and clean energy on Earth… I was met with total denial and a group manic laghter… after 25-30 years everyone talks about energy sustainability, it’s 25 years that I’m into mechanic free energy, space and possibly time distortion… but not in space… but on our beautiful Earth… travel faster than the speed of light even going slowly… and lots of other things that shock me as well…
A bunch of people utters the words “sustainability”, “green”… but since we’re in the hands of these kinds of subjects… nothing will ever be accomplished… we can abandon all hope… there will always be technological research for a solution, for something expensive yet beautiful to watch but when it comes to use and performance is utter bullshit…
If I have to pay 30.000 euros for a car… I then preten it doesn’t burn anything and that it moves simply because it moves… and it has to last at least 30 years… why deceive me with an aerodynamic silhouette if I still need to burn up stuff to move… or to panel two or three planets… I’ll say ita gain… these are just trash solutions… that only serve to move and draw serious amounts of money…
Another example, if I spend 10.000 euros for a “boiler” or an A/C system, I expect I can detach from any counter… moving energy long and very long distance is useless… we have all we need anywhere… in an unlimited way.
Othe rthan the mechanical grinder, there are other valid technologies that are met with hallways jokes… and yet, all you need is looking up “mechanical free energy” on the internet, set the videos and do simple researches… Indians, Pakistanis and others… already “delved into it”, they’re light years ahead… they prove there are alternative and working ways using scraps… while we’re still here drowning in enormous debts to invest in decades-old technologies that have social, economic and environmental implications that will lead to great damage and problems…
The CCS turbine has existed for 10.000 years at least… you be the judges… or rather since everything exists… self-feeding and self-generate from nothing has been fundamental to study and understand our universe… at least the its part we can see…
“The first” who tied a donkey to the grinder was already more ahead than any of our expert and than any our super performing turbine…
I didn’t invent anything; I only justified a layout that has existed for millenia that can put a patch on a situation that’s leading us to global destruction…
Alessandro leghi
January 1st, 2025